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© Rex-Pol Sp. z o.o.
41-508 Chorzów
ul. Wiejska 18
tel./fax (0048 32) 245 90 34

Trolley washers

Trolley washers are designed for automatic removalof dirt and post-production remains from trolleys afterprevious technological processes.Trolley washing system in our device is based on anassumption that the washing agent solution works in aclosed system, thanks to which we reclaim considerableamounts of the washing agent, which, in turn, allows forthe reduction of the washing process cost and sewageamount to the minimum at the same time.The main device element is the washing chambersituated over the tank which contains the washing agentsolution. The trolley is loaded to the washing chamberdown a special ramp. The internal double pipe systemwith nozzles guarantees the washing agent solutionapplication and its rinsing with clean water.





design by more4all www